One of the biggest swings in the last election was that young men under 30 decided to vote for Trump. We’ve been hearing all about how young men weren’t being heard. That they were sick of being told they were sexist for not voting for Harris. If only Harris had reached out to them on podcasts like Joe Rogan’s, then maybe they would have felt seen. What a bunch of pussies. Sorry, I had to go for that one.
We were supposed to be aging out of racism and sexism but this stuff always finds a way, and there are always champions like Joe Rogan to lead the way. They always find a path to capitalize on the insecurities of those who feel slighted by not having the same privileges their parents and grandparents had, no matter how unfair those privileges might have been to others. That’s how this keeps happening. Now to be fair to Joe Rogan, he is the living embodiment of insecurity and toxic masculinity, so of course he’ll use his platform to fight to maintain what he is terrified of losing. Yep, I said it–the TM phrase–the one we are never supposed to say now because, shh, we’ll have to say this quietly now, it hurts young men’s feelings. We definitely don’t want to do that. Poor things, they’ve been through so much.
The way this is supposed to work is that once in a while there comes a generation that doesn’t get to do what those who came before them got to do. Right? There are millions of examples of this, at some point, men just couldn’t chase women around desks in the office anymore. It was okay for a while but then it wasn’t. And guys just had to sit in bars and bitch about it to other guys while they drank gin and tonics, that’s how it goes. Or let me tell you another story, one close to home for those in Chicago. It’s about Rahm Emanuel.
See Rahm became Mayor of Chicago, and if you play that right you can have that job for a very long time. I think that’s what Rahm was going for. But then a cop assassinated Laquan McDonald in cold blood. His fellow cops helped him cover it up. His direct supervisor did too, and his supervisor did as well. It went all the way up to the chief of police and then up to Mayor Rahm Emanual and they all tried to cover it up. Nothing new, some Mayors had been doing this forever. Richard M. Daley covered up the systemic torture being doled out by John Burge for decades.
But sometimes, things change, or if we want them to change, then people have to change. And that means that sometimes people don’t get to do what the people who came before them got to do. And so Rahm didn’t run for Mayor again because, in today’s day and age, there are too many people who don’t want this kind of horrific stuff to keep happening and someone had to pay the price. Was it a big price? No, Rahm is fine, he never went to prison, and he got an ambassadorship to Japan. Now I’m not saying that every one of these crybabies who voted for Trump would have gotten an ambassadorship to Japan if they had just voted for Harris, I’m just saying they would have been just fine. And the rest of us would have been better off. Think of everything we’re going to have to endure for the foreseeable future because these guys needed a little bit of gratification from the feeling that some of their supposed manliness was to be restored. Where are all the men? I can tell you where they’re not, they’re not on Joe Rogan’s show and they’re not listening to Joe Rogan’s pussified bullshit. Look, I’m just using the p-word in case one of these pussies reads this and I just want them to hear themselves being called a pussy because they’re pussies and I hope they’ll feel sad.
What these kids are doing is nothing short of extending for future generations something that we should be outgrowing, that we were on track to outgrow, if they would have only been man enough to stand up for others that is. It’s not all of their fault, as I said there are always Joe Rogan’s, Dana White’s, Candace Owens’, and all the rest to endlessly perpetuate this stuff. So how does it break?
If you read Toni Morrison, Baldwin, Coates, and DuBois, they all say the same thing at some point. Those who meet the demographic that benefits from structures of power are the ones who need to speak out and work to break the cycle. We need more young men willing to say that this needs to end. More men need to tell these kids that what they’re doing is hurting others, and if they don’t want to hurt others then they need to take responsibility. Yep, responsibility, that thing all of these wimps keep screaming about but never seem to do.
And as for what is their place in society? What role do men play in a more egalitarian society? Well, for starters, they don’t get to be a Pete Hegseth or a Donald Trump, people who are afforded every possible break in the known universe for their vile behavior. Men, especially white men and those who advocate for keeping this power dynamic, have to do what everyone else has ever had to do. Figure it out for yourself and claim it, but not at the expense of everyone else. Everybody who wasn’t a white male, or more realistically a white male born into means, has had to fight for equal rights in this country. But who were they fighting exactly? People like Joe Rogan and all of these guys who voted for Trump that’s who.
So, if that’s what they want, if they want to keep the special treatment they’ve been afforded for centuries at the expense of everyone else, then they should be man enough to stop claiming to be a victim. But here’s the rub, they won’t, they never will, because they’re babies who are just clinging to what they’ve been afforded all of this time out of fear. They think they’re projecting manliness or something, but I think the rest of us can see them for what they are. They’re—oh I won’t say it again, it’s an offensive word, ugh I can’t help myself—Pussies.