Breaking News: Green New Deal social engineering and Marxist equity are transgenderising America.

So the Trump administration just tried to freeze funding for over 2,600 agencies and then quickly rescinded it because it was ridiculous and clearly illegal. Obviously, it was done to sow chaos and make everyone’s head spin. A classic bully move from a bunch of bullies. I don’t expect this to go away because gutting the government is one of the main goals stated in Project 2025 and they’re bound just to attack this from some other angle. But what struck me was the criteria they stated for vetting these agencies. I’m sure some Project 2025 people believe in the reasoning that they provided but it also seems designed to get Trump supporters to buy into cutting programs that they benefit from. It’s a boogie-man tactic that the bullies like to use.

So here it is, and I’m endlessly amazed at the weirdo terminology they use. This is what they stated in the directive they sent out. They want to make sure that none of the programs “advance Marxist equity, transgenderism and Green New Deal social engineering policies.”

Did you get that? Let me repeat that, they’re worried that taxpayer money is being used to advance Marxist equity, transgenderism and Green New Deal social engineering policies. Okay, so probably people have some idea what that means and honestly, I can only spend so much time deciphering their bullshit before just having to say it doesn’t matter and we don’t have time for this. It reminds me of visiting Cuba in the 90s. If you went to La Habana back then you know what it’s like to have an endless array of hustlers, or jineteros in Cuban slang, trying to scam you from every direction. One time I was hanging out in the park near the capital watching the chess players and some guy came up to me crying and asking if I could buy baby formula from a state-run store for his sick child. He caught me at a moment and I was about to do it before a friend from Europe who I was traveling with stopped me. Don’t do it, it’s a scam, she said. I responded, how is this one a scam? And I’ll never forget this, just the way she said it has stuck with me all of these years. She said, with total confidence and more than a little exasperation that I was falling for something so obvious, “I don’t know, but it’s a scam, it’s always a scam.” Yeah, that sums up Trump, and Project 2025 and the whole Republican thing. I don’t know, I can spend three days figuring it out, or I can just recognize that everything is frickin smoke and mirrors and just one giant scam with these guys. And for some people, it totally works.

But just for kicks, let’s look at these three things that they’re supposedly so worried about wasting the taxpayer’s precious money. They’re always worried that feeding poor kids, or housing young mothers or god forbid giving a junkie some health care will waste the taxpayer’s money because, you know, they care, they really care. It’s not a hustle, you gotta believe them, they’re just concerned about the public good.

Okay, the first one, Marxist Equity, I think that’s the same thing as the meritocracy they keep talking about which as far as I can tell is just a way to enshrine white guys remaining privileged. Maybe they added Marxist because in their bizarro world that’s code for Black Lives Matter and anything that has to do with addressing race issues. Isn’t that weird? I think that one is particularly weird. In any case, it’s a white supremacy thing. It’s a way to signal to the base that black people are taking stuff from white people. Which is genius because it’s propaganda designed to take stuff away from the people who will fall for it. 

Okay, next.

Transgenderism. Uh huh, first of all in what twisted view of reality did Trans become an ism? I get it, there’s nothing more threatening to the patriarchal system than accepting that people can choose their gender. So I think we can just chalk this one up to anti-gay in general and that appeals to Trump voters so maybe they’ll look the other way when the heist goes down.

And, finally.

Green New Deal Social Engineering. Wow. Okay, Green New Deal is a trigger word for Trump supporters so that checks. Social engineering? I know that they do want to dismantle the New Deal completely, that’s what all of this is about, and Social Engineering was a phrase used to criticize the development of our social safety net. And the Republicans really hate our social safety net, so maybe somewhere in all of that explains whatever this one is. I think it’s a way to conflate climate change policy with our social safety net and anything that would benefit the middle and lower class in America. That’s my best guess, I don’t have time to make it bulletproof but I’m going with it’s a scam, somehow it’s a scam.

So they just tried to freeze funding for 2,600 agencies that have already been approved by Congress and however flawed these programs may be they do function as our attempt at having a social safety net. And what I just described was their reasoning. They needed to freeze all funding so they could make sure that there wasn’t any Marxist Equity going on. Okay. They risked children not getting breakfast today just in case there was some Transgenderism creeping around. Uh, huh, got it. It was worth depriving elderly people of assistance in heating their homes in the dead of winter because they were worried that there was some Green New Deal Social Engineering corrupting the meritocracy of America. Sure, okay man, whatever.

Yeah, I can’t know exactly what they’re talking about, but it’s a scam. It’s always a scam. And I don’t know if they actually believe this nonsense but this is the kind of stuff they use to fool the MAGA base. One thing Trump has taught us is that indeed you can fool some of the people all of the time.